Rent a car in Sofia

Car rental companies in Sofia, Car hire in Sofia

Buy new cars in sofia

I believe that this information will be useful for people who do not know where the car shops and car showrooms are located in Sofia. I will try and summarize information for all car brands showrooms in Sofia. For every car showroom I will include a map with the location and instructions on how to get there. Buy a new car in sofia, buying a new car in sofia, buy brand new car. Car showrooms in Sofia.

Buy Toyota Yaris in Sofia

Posted by admin on May 15, 2008

Toyota Yaris is the las result from our efforts in creating cars which answer the latest and the highest requirements and demands for quality.

Buy BMW in Sofia

Posted by zhelyazko on May 13, 2008

BMW’s official representative in Sofia is Kamor Auto, the showroom’s address is stated bellow. As usual BMW has to offer many different brands and types of cars. The quality comes on the right price here.

Buy Toyota Aygo in Sofia

Posted by zhelyazko on May 13, 2008

Influenced by the Japanese culture AYGO was built to offer the independence that the new city generation requires. The harmonic lines of the car give the model bold and modern face combined with a feeling for individuality.